Summer Show 2015 Trophy Winners

Burton Perpetual Challenge Trophy T. Aram Flower arranging
Charles King Memorial Trophy M. Fisher House plants
Croft Cup For Colour Content W. Fisher Container of flowers and foliage judged for colour
David Rees Memorial Cup G. Scrivener

L. Shelton

Fred Furley Memorial Cup A. Baggaley Vegetable classes
George Haggis Memorial Trophy M. Handley Flowers
Gerry Reddish Memorial Plate M. Fisher Dahlia and chrysanthemum classes
Hoveringham Perpetual Challenge Cup C. Barnes Produce classes
Lowdham Horticultural Society Plate R. Moorcroft Best young persons exhibit
Lowdhams ‘Tray’ Voucher A. Baggaley Tray of vegetables
Lowdhams ‘Vase’ Voucher W. Fisher Vase of flowers
McAlpine Perpetual Challenge Cup A. Kearsley Junior classes
Mrs V Birkin Trophy A. Gray Preserves
Nottingham Evening News Challenge Cup A. Baggaley Most points in horticulture classes
Pearson Perpetual Challenge Bowl P. McDonnell One Gladioli
RHS Banksian Medal M. Handley Most prize money in horticultural classes
RHS Bronze Medal For Flowers M. Fisher Best flower exhibit
RHS Bronze Medal For Fruit A. Baggaley Best fruit exhibit
RHS Bronze Medal For Vegetables C. Grocock Best vegetable exhibit
Smith Perpetual Challenge Cup A. Baggaley Most points for fruit classes
T. F. Revill Memorial Cup C. Grocock Winner of class 1
Walter Bennett Perpetual Challenge Plate T. Aram Flower arranging