Just a reminder, that although we haven’t got a Summer Show this year we are holding a smaller but hopefully popular event, Lowdham Summer Fayre. The event will run from 1pm to 4pm on Bank Holiday Monday with free parking on Lowdham Playing fields from midday, after the car boot sale. There will be over 25 stalls arranged around Main Street from the WI Hall at one end to Lowdham School at the other end – crafts, tombolas, children’s activities, cakes, plants, toys, books, gifts and charity stalls. We will be serving cream teas on the grassed area behind the Village Hall and the afternoon will culminate with our usual duck race at 4pm. Please bring along your members potatoes to be emptied out of the bucket and weighed on the car park at the front of the Village Hall. Christine will also be there to renew your memberships (£10 yearly) as we have some speakers booked for our new membership year and hope to be able to start up trips and visits again.